Fisher / Poissant Family 6 Generation Photos of our Bourassa Ancestry

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The Fisher "69" 6 Generation Bourassa Family

Arthur Fisher and Marie Anna Bourassa Fisher had 14 children and 69 Grandchildren

Jim Canole was the First Born of the 69 Grandchildren; son of James Canole Sr and Janice Fisher/Poissant

On 27 Feb 2022 Jim Canole put these photos on Facebook and the Google Poissant Email Group


Francois Bourassa & Genevieve Patenaude
Vital Bourassa & Emelie Hebert
Louis Alphonse Bourassa & Vitaline Leblanc
Arthur Joseph Fisher/Poissant & Marie Anna Bourassa
The 14 Fisher Children
James Canole - First of the 69 Grandchildren




















Artistic Works of Napoleon







Can you find the following people? Jacques Cartier, Samuel de Champlain, Marquis de Lafayette, Louis Joseph Papineau, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin etc, etc?





Three Architectural Works of Napoleon



























Anne Bourassa bought this new stone to replace the old weathered stone.