Pictures of the 2006 45th Reunion of the Rice Memorial High School Class of 1961

Thanks to all who have sent them to us.

Sue Patenaude Sue's Kodak Gallery Photo's of the 2006 Reunion
Alan Abair
Classmates in front of the new Rice Wall of Fame: Jerry Premo, Matt Quinn, Ed Longe, Janet Germain Page, Sue O'Hagan Patenaude, John Mercure, John Mclaughlin, Alan Abair and Allen Kieslich.
( they and members of their families visited the Bob Carver memorial plaque and were given a
tour of the Rice facilities by Alumni Director Susan Cain O'Brien.)
Alan Abair At the Ethan Allen Club: Ed Longe, Larry Tuxbury, Loren English, Sandy (Benoit) Marr with special
guest the newly retired Monsignor Wendell Searles.
Bob Denning Everyone outside of the Ethan Allen Club in Burlington
Lucille Sweet Donna D'Acutti, Carol (Niquette) Izzo, Louis Izzo and Jim Caffrey
Lucille Sweet Jim Caffrey, Russell Niquette, Bernadette (Handy) Caffrey and Sandy (Corey) O'Brien
Lucille Sweet Gail (Sylvester) Cashman, Susan (O'Hagan) Patenaude and Claire (Hurteau) Alfano
Lucille Sweet Matthew Quinn, Larry Tuxbury, Loren English and John McLaughlin
Lucille Sweet Looking at the 1961 Tower are Ed Longe, Tom Mayo and Larry Tuxbury in foreground
Lucille Sweet At Mount St Mary's before Mass is Matthew Quinn with mother and wife.
Lucille Sweet After Mass on the steps at Mount St Mary's
Lucille Sweet - new Bob Barchi and Carolyn (Martin) Barchi
Lucille Sweet - new Kathy (Desany) Fisher, Sandra (Benoit) Marr and Conrad Bessette
Lucille Sweet - new Lucille, Norman "Buzzy" Mercure and Mary Pat (McGowan) Thompson
Lucille Sweet - new Janet (Germain) Page and Shirley (Foss) Polworth
Don Pasha Stella (St Peter) Babel
Don Pasha Tom Mayo, Loren English, John McLaughlin and Father Wendell Searles
Don Pasha Lucille (Levesque) Sweet
Don Pasha Allen Kieslich
Don Pasha Ed Longe and John Bissonette
Larry Tuxbury Class at Mass at Mount St Mary's
Row 1 - Lucille (Levesque) Sweet, Loren English and Jim Farrell
Row 2 - Mrs Quinn; Matt & Mrs Quinn
Row 3 - Kathy (Desany) & John Fisher; Doree (Mongeon) & Jim Couture
Row 4 - Sandra (Benoit) Marr, Allen Kieslich and Louis Izzo
Larry Tuxbury In the Chapel at Mount St Mary's
Larry Tuxbury Alan Abair & Larry Tuxbury with a Robert Carver Photo
Larry Tuxbury Robert Carver Jr Plaque at Rice Memorial High School
Larry Tuxbury Friday evening party at Sally's; Lucille, Jim Farrell, Sally (Lanzetta) and Ray Dion
Larry Tuxbury Loren English & Tony Villanti
Larry Tuxbury Franz Fredericks & Betty and Ed Longe
Larry Tuxbury Carole (Reese) Duquette & friend Don; Bob & Diana Fredericks
Larry Tuxbury Sandra Longe, Franz Fredericks & Betty, Ed Longe and Tom Mayo
Larry Tuxbury Loren English and Kathy (Desany) Fisher
Larry Tuxbury Ed Longe, Kathy (Rivers) Libby & Louis Izzo
Larry Tuxbury Russell Niquette; working hard........
Larry Tuxbury Sr Jeanne?? and Louis Izzo
Larry Tuxbury Sr Claire Bouchard and John Fisher
Larry Tuxbury Loren English & Gail (Sylvester) Cashman
Kit Mercure Roger Hayes, Bob Denning and Larry Tuxbury
Kit Mercure Andrea Echo, Craig Echo and Tony Villanti
Kit Mercure Roger Hayes and Sally (Lanzetta) Dion
Kit Mercure Conrad Bessette and Janet Germain Page
Kit Mercure Site of Friday's Party, home of Sally (Lanzetta) & Ray Dion
Kit Mercure My Beloved's head, Theresa Burns Carp, Claire (Hurteau) Alfano and Joe Lendway
Kit Mercure Normand "Buzzy" Mercure and Arnold Parot
Kit Mercure Lyman Cote and Don Pasha
Kit Mercure Gail (Sylvester) Cashman, Jim Couture and Barbara (Larrow) Walsh
Kit Mercure Gail (Sylvester) Cashman and Martha (McSweeney) Economeau
Kit Mercure Everyone again at the Ethan Allen Club
Loren English Marty Babel (wed to Stella St Peter) and Jim Farrell
Loren English Lucille, Bob Fredericks and wife Dianna
Loren English Ed Longe and wife Sandra
Loren English Franz Fredericks and Betsy
Loren English Lucille & Jerry Premo
Loren English Hal Hayden and Theresa Burns
Loren English Susan (Audette) Villanti, Doreen Mongeon and husband Jim Couture, Claire (Hurteau) Alfano
Loren English Tony and Susan (Audette) Villanti
Loren English Allen Kieslich and wife Anne Marie Martelle
Loren English Joe Lendway and Loren English
Loren English Tom Mayo and Monsignor Wendell Searles
Loren English Russell Niquette and Patricia Wright
Loren English Don Pasha and Bernadette (Handy) Caffrey
Loren English Louis Izzo and Bob Polworth
Loren English Jerry Premo, Franz Fredericks, Claire (Hurteau) Alfano, Larry Tuxbury and Larry Walsh
Loren English Classmates after the Memorial Mass: Susan (O'Hagan) Patenaude, Kathy (Desany) Fisher, Louis Izzo, Lucille (Levesque) Sweet, Carol (Niquette) Izzo, Doreen (Mongeon) Couture, Larry Tuxbury, Sandra (Benoit) Marr, Allen Kieslich, Jim Couture, Jim Farrell and Loren English
Loren English Golf Champions: Jim Farrell, Loren English, Craig Echo, Bob Polworth, a friend, and Tony Villanti
Loren English

Loren English and Sister Madeline (Latin teacher)

Loren English

Loren English, Bob Polworth, Norm St. Laurent and Lyman Cote

Bob Denning Ken Obrien, Mr Messier, Ruth (Blair) Messier, Francoise (Lehouiller) Beauchemin
Bob Denning Wayne Beauchemin, Rachel (Brault) O'Brien, Ken O'Brien, and Francoise (Lehouiller) Beauchemin
Bob Denning Donna D'Acutti, John McLaughlin, Patricia Wright
Bob Denning Bob Barchi, Carolyn (Martin) Barchi, Carole (Duquette) Reese and friend Don.
Bob Denning Gary Patenaude, Susan (O'Hagan) Patenaude, Judge Ed. Cashman, Donna D'Acutti, etc
Bob Denning Bernadette (Handy) Caffery and Jim Caffery
Bob Denning Dining at the Ethan Allen Club in Burlington
Bob Denning Patricia Wright, Ray Dion, Sandra (Corey) O"Brien, Sally (Lanzetta) Dion and Dan Obrien
Bob Denning Chris Page, Shirley (Foss) Polworth, Bob Polworth, Russell Niquette, Janet (Germain) Page


Look Who Came to the Reunion!!!
Lucille Levesque Sweet Roger Hayes Larry Tuxbury Sandra Corey O'Brien
Stella St Peter Babel Loren English Sally Lanzetta Dion Kathy Desany Fisher
Don Pasha Bob Denning Janet Germain Page Susan O'Hagan Patenaude
Joe Lendway Tony Villanti
Sue Audette Villanti Jim Farrell
Donna D'Acuti Lyman Cote John Mercure Norm (Buzzy) Mercure
Russ Niquette Carolyn Martin Barchi Carol Duquette Reese Rachel Brault O'Brien
Gail Sylvester Cashman Ruth Blair Messier
Matt Quinn Francoise Lehouiller Beauchemin
Ed Longe Jim Couture Doreen Mongeon
Louis Izzo
Carol Niquette Izzo Claire Hurteau Alfano Bob Polworth Shirley Foss Polworth
Tom Mayo Craig Echo Franz Fredericks Bob Fredericks
John Bissonnette Tess Burns Carp Alan Abair John McLaughlin
Alan Kieslick Jerry Premo Hal Hayden Pat Wright
Sandy Benoit Marr Mary Pat McGowan Thompson Barbara Larrow Walsh Kathy Rivers Libby